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Akira [WIP]

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Akira [WIP] Empty Akira [WIP]

Post  Akira Tue Aug 30, 2011 9:04 am


Back to Basics//

Name: Akira Suzume

Aliases: Sparrow

Age: Appears 20; Real age 780

Gender: Female

Affiliation: Soul Society


Height & Weight: 5'5", 125 pounds.

Hair & Eye Colour: Akira has long beautiful blue hair. It reaches to about her waist, and is always maintained to keep its smooth sleek look. She does not like it to lose its shine because she rather enjoys the colour and how light it is. Although she does tend to keep it up in almost pig tail styles, with little black ribbons in them. She is often seen with her hair up in some way, since she dislikes leaving it down. Although it is noted with it down she is still nice to look at. Her bangs hang over her forehead hiding it from view and her eyes are usually hidden from view too. She does not try to keep herself hidden like this but she tends to. If the hair is not hanging in her eyes, then its usually brushed aside so that it won't poke her in the eye. Her hair is the same colour as the the summer sky, is matches the day like a cloudless summer day. Her eyes are violet.

Description: Akira stands at 5"5. She is a rather average height, with the figure of a fighter. Her slim body is perfectly toned, she doesn’t look too Ripped, to be precise she looks like a normal athletic female, with a well trained body. Her figure is the one known as the hour glass, meaning she has smooth curves that accent her waist, making her look like one flowing figure. The woman is rather beautiful and holds a wild air about her. Although it seems wild she is a very noble aired woman, that will never slouch. Her perfectly formed body is something she takes deep pride in, but will not be overly narcissist over it.

Her eyes are a deep violet blue, they look almost indigo. In the depths of her eyes lurks emotions that she keeps hidden away from all those around her. The female is a beautiful specimen, and her eyes prove it. The normal almond shape, with the beautiful yet puzzling pattern of blue and purple in her eyes seems to entrance people around her when they look into her eyes. Her eye lashes frame her eyes perfectly, giving her the perfect full eye lashes, and mysterious look.

Her eyebrows arch delicately, and are the same colour as her hair. They have a light arch, and give her the look of appearing to be thoughtful. She has high cheek bones that show her noble blood of her family. She always has a faint blush running along her place features. She has a full step of lips that are a pale pink. She has perfect white teeth.

Akira’s skin tone is very pale and seems to remind people of snow. The beautiful coloured skin reminds people of a glass doll. She has very delicate looking skin and looks beautiful to all those that look upon her. Across her back going from her right shoulder in a diagonal angle toward her waist is large scar that holds a vicious look to it. Although it is rather faded now with the new remedies to cure scars.

Akira is found wearing plenty different clothing. But she prefers clothing that show of her form. Although its not abnormal to see her in a nice comfy pair of jeans, with some sort of tank-top. She'll generally wear a hoodie of some sort with it. When she's not wearing stuff like that then she is wearing a skirt with a blouse of some sort. Unless she is with her family, then she is wearing some sort of kimono since they're rather traditional that way.

Under the Skin//


  • Singing § She likes this because it lets her drain the sorrow in herself. She could sing about anything and no one would care. So long as she makes herself happy she does not see the problem with it in the least. After all this is her job.
  • Sweets § They make her feel happy for a brief moment.
  • Drinking § She picked up a bad habit of drinking, and tends to do it a lot. She likes it because for a small amount of time it allows her to forget the pain in her heart.
  • Gardening § She likes the fact that you maintain life at your own hands and make sure that the life there is steady and not fading. To her its like playing god, but you know, in a garden where the lives are flowers, and veggies.


  • Love § After losing Ryuu, she thinks the very idea of it is stupid. She would not want to become in such a bond where two people are close. Maybe it makes her seem stupid, but she doesn't care. To her love is something that can not be seen nor proved so it doesn't exist.
  • Bad Sake § She does not like the cheap sake, since it does not seem to give off a good enough buzz. Although some times it can be good, but the stuff that is made bad is usually really temperamental with her stomach so she tends to avoid it.
  • Arguing § Thinks it can be avoided, or talked about calmly instead of reaching the point where it grows into an argument.

  • Animal abusers § She has her dog, Nemo who is her very life at the moment. She could very imagine anyone hurting that, so hurting animal is wrong in her eyes. If she sees anyone abusing an animal she will get very angry.

Personality: Akira seems to be a rather gentle person to those that know her. She does not like hollows in the least bit, although she would not tell why. She refrains from telling people why she hates them so much. It seems like there is a deep hatred for them. If you do not mention hollows to her she is perfectly fine and a nice person to hold a chat with. She can be a sweetheart at times when she wants to. She does not seem to make friends easy although it wouldn't seem like that. She's met plenty of people all with their own story. Those stories were very warming to her heart, but she refuses to open up.

Being like this, Akira tends to get bouts of depression where she wonders why she's living and what shes living for. She seems almost curious about death at times. Although she does not often show this towards people, she tends to cry alone and keep her problems in. She honestly thinks that one day keeping everything in like she is will kill her. Which would be a bad thing she figures. But if she ever puts enough trust into someone to tell them things its hard for her not to pay attention to them a lot.

She seems very warm hearted toward animals, seeing as how she owns one. Her pet dog Nemo makes her happier than anything else in life does. She is always in a good mood when playing with her dog, and it seems to show when she leaves home. Her nature toward her dog is kind of like a mother would be toward a child. She is not a bad person just has her issues. Despite being so broken inside Akira puts on a mask appearing happy.

She does not like when people worry about her so tries her hardest to keep a smile on her face at all times. Many people can see the pain in the eyes but barely have ever confronted her about her problem. She hates being left alone since she's scared of what she might do to herself but she'll behave herself most of the time.

When she's fighting she will kill anything that gets in her way. She rarely holds mercy for her foes, and if you do piss her off hell hath no fury. She would not regret flipping you into the ground, and stomping on your head a few times...

Biography// Where the dice fell!

Rain was pouring, at a steady pace with a rhythmic tap noise. It seemed to be going on steady without any chance of it stopping soon. It was as if the gods had opened the sky and decided to drop a lake on the people below. The roads had been flooding because of the torrents of water that fell from the heavens above. At first they had been in the middle of a bad drought, the crops dying, and then their prayers had been answered with rain. Although a little too much for most people's liking as it was now drowning the crops making them no good? It was becoming more and more of a pain it seemed. The gods seemed to be playing cruel tricks on them, by not giving them enough what they need but going to the extreme in both cases. The people thus were weary to pray for another thing in fear of being granted another extreme case of desire.

But one mother made a wish; her wish was rather simple though. Nothing too extreme, hell most mothers hoped for the same thing. That her child would be a healthy little girl. The man that had taken her was a well known Samurai who had only married her because her father had wished it. What her father wished happened; one did not ask questions against it. So she became a member of the Suzume harem, living with six other wives that were all vying for their husbands love and affection. But Suzu did not want his affection, in all honesty when she thought of her husband she was repulsed that she had to marry such a thing. Especially when the man only boasted of the beauty of his wives, and daughters. One wife he likes to go on and on about was Reina, the blond beauty. That man would go on for hours about her. It made all the wives envious and green eyed monsters. All expect Suzu; she disliked the man and saw him as a narcissist, which was not far from the truth.

Making sure that she did not have much interaction with the man, Suzu remained by herself usually in the gardens. She was seen with a sword almost all the time. Her father had been a famous Samurai, one that held great political power and was often consoled in when the Emperor had needed someone to talk to. So she was in the gardens, with her sword, swinging. She was at practice with the blades for hours on end making sure that her skills were still keen. She may of been a woman, but she refused to be a gentle geisha like the man’s other wives. No, she'd be the fire cracker of the group. She knew she was with babe, the child would be safe, and this was just exercising nothing too serious. She wanted to be a loving mother to the child and would do her best to provide for the child. She'd do anything to have a healthy screaming baby in the end of all the pain.

So she continued her ways of being the wife who knew combat. She was often found with her swords, and knew she'd train her first child to use the blades she cherished. This babe would have anything and everything it could want. But, no she wouldn't let the babe seem like it was spoiled. Although she would do her best so that the babe was in a well loved home. Her husband although had become a slight gambler and the wife soon found out that her child had been a bet in one of her husband’s gambling bets. She was horrified when she found out, her husband told her the child's fate would now depend if it was a male or female. If it was a female then it would be placed in geisha training, but if it was a boy it would be given away. She was outraged that her husband would do such a thing, and words were thrown between the two.

Angry his wife had left to stay with her father till the child was due. Her stomach was large and the journey had been hard, but worth it to get away from her moronic husband. She had made it to the village where her father was, and then a few days later her water broke. The babe was coming. Pain washed over the woman and the town's mid-wife aided Suzu to give birth to her little babe. Relief swept over Suzu when she found out it was a girl. She could at least keep her to herself then and raise her how she wanted to. The babe was tiny, but the local doctor said that her child was a healthy young baby. She earned the name Akira because the rains had finally ended but left a thick mist. So she was named after the thick mists she was born into.

Staying with her fathers, news had soon went to her husband that the child was a girl. The man had soon come to Suzu's father meeting her there. He seemed ecstatic to have a beautiful babe. She did not cry at all which worried her mother. After all, didn't babes need to cry? Her own mother suggested that maybe there was something wrong with the babe thus it could not cry. But one look into Akira's bright lively eyes she knew that it her little angel was perfectly fine, there was not a flaw with the tiny babe. Suzu was content, even if her bore of a husband was around her all the time making sure she did not run off with the child. Although that in its self seemed tempting all in its self.

The town's priestess had been surprised when they brought the child to make sure it had all its blessings. Seeing the small babe, she had let out a prayer. The eyes were strange, looking more like that of adults than a newly born babe. It was interesting to say the least. So when doing a prayer she had been frightened. She heard the strong voice of the Kirin, the god of that mountain. He had spoken saying the child was his, and had its blessing. The child was either very or lucky or doomed since the Kirin was known for the large prices that had to be paid to him before he was of any use to anyone. Telling the parents that they had the god of the mountains blessing both of them seemed rather happy with the whole affair.

The Childhood Years.

Being a child was a lonely thing, what did she have to look forward to. Her father had been set on making her a Geisha. She did not have a choice of her own in this matter. At the age of four years old, she had grown some, still remaining a small little spit fire. Her mother was caring for her none the less though and tried her best to keep her daughter content. Kaito had started to leave Suzu alone with more lee way in raising their daughter, since his other wide Reina had her own girl, the white haired child. Suzu was glad to have the heat off her darling daughter, and went into teaching Akira how to speak. But Akira refused to utter a word, although she proved intelligent when it came to writing.

When asking the doctor if something was wrong with her daughter, Suzu seemed certain there was. It must of been the price the Kirin had taken from her. Her beautiful young daughter, the mute. But, the doctor checked her, and got Akira to make noises. He said he was uncertain if she was mute or not because she refused to cooperate. They were not sure, so they could not make accurate judgment. Although her tutors all said she was brilliant and graceful when it came to her grades, and art. It was just that she refused to talk or say anything. So for the next few years Akira remained in her silence watching everything with sullen eyes wondering if she could just be forgotten from the adults hopes for her.

So she grew up with each passing year being a beautiful young girl. She was a quick learner, and was not stupid in the least. Although one thing that had her interest was her sister, Riko. Her sister was only two years younger than her but a sickly little thing. Her father had her locked up all the time so she couldn't leave and explore outside, because she could of just made herself sicker. Not something Akira liked after all, she disliked when she was kept inside but her little sister was already kept inside and gawked at like an animal. One day when their father had left, Akira snuck into Riko's room to see her sickly sister dancing her small little heart out even though she was so sick.

The sight was saddening to be honest. She never knew her sister had such spirit even though they had her locked away. Watching Akira was interested, after her sisters dancing had finished she introduced herself to the girl. Surprise had shown on her sisters face, which made Akira happy. That was one of the few times Akira had ever talked, it was to tell her sister who she was. Riko and Akira spent the rest of the afternoon together. Akira giving Riko pointers in her drawing, and Riko giving Akira pointers in her dancing. The pair of them had a good time together, but that fun would not last for long. Kaito had returned a few days later and they went back to their normal lives away from each other not saying a word to one another.

Akira took to sitting in the garden with her mother marveling over blades of swords. She soon got one of her own when she reached the age of nine. Her mother gave her a short sword which she cherished even though it was a small ineffective weapon for those she wanted to fight. But, none the less it let her train. So for hours upon hours she practiced just a fluid swing hoping that she'd be able to train herself. Her father disapproved of such actions but he never did anything to stop her. After all, he saw her when she trained. It was like when he used to train soldiers, but none of them appeared so fluid. To be able to move a blade like that and at a such age awed Kaito, and he got one of his friends to watch to see how it looked to him. Both of them watched in silence as she went through her practice.

Kaito let his daughter continue not bothering her at all. So for the next few years she practiced and then started challenging some of her elder brothers in duels. They fought to humor themselves but soon found themselves in tricky positions. Akira was well known in the area as the warrior Geisha. Many men came to see what she looked like, at the age of fourteen she was beautiful. Her finger was toned, and she was at the ideal age to be married off, or so her father thought. She just continued her fighting, since it gave her something to do. It was not the best fun there was but it kept her from thinking about her sister who was locked up all the time.

One bid too high.

Her father was addicted to gambling. He would often lose a handful of gold here and there because he couldn't help his habit. Although sometimes the demand was a little too big so he had to back out of a game. He enjoyed watching people play such strange games, and get money so he would often play too. But, he generally put his lot in with the wrong people. It wasn't something hat surprised anyone to be honest though. A lot of the noble families knew that the current head of the family was a little loose with his money. It drew a lot of attention, specially from people traveling from other nations. One night Kaito requested that Akira serve tea at one of his games with some rich Russian nobles. She did as her father asked her, watching the cups of tea to make sure that they were always filled.

Her father was losing the game, and Akira left at that point to return to the garden to practice with her blade. She peered around for a moment in the dark, finding her blade. She was once more off training the motions that her body followed for certain movements. She had to get used to the movements if she wanted to be of any use to those around her. Her mother watched her, one of the Russian men were talking with her mother while watching Akira. The small girl did not look up. She had a bad feeling about that day so she continued to push herself in her training to get over the feeling, she wanted this night to be over. After a few hours of training herself she was exhausted and wandered to her room to take a rest for the the night.

That was when she found her father waiting for her, flanked by two of the large Russian men. The look on her father's face was of shame. She stopped in her tracks in the hallway, staring at the men while her father explained he had lost in the game, and they didn't want the gold but her. Her father seemed sad about the whole deal, since it was his gambling that had got him into such trouble. His wife was furious and yelled obscenities at her husband while crying, looking upset for her child. Akira felt cold at that moment. Never before had she hated her father but at that moment she did. Her younger sister was roused by the noise and Akira looked unhappy. Riko had went to her sisters side, looking at her father with those wide eyes of hers.

Akira just sighed, and spoke a few words. It was a good bye to Riko. Her parents both appeared surprised because they did not know that Akira could talk. They all assumed that she was mute, thus had not bothered talking to her. She gave her sister one last hug, knowing that'd be the last time she'd ever see the face of her younger sister. Then she accepted her fate that her father had bestowed upon her because of his bad habit. She wanted to refuse not to go but that'd disgrace her family more. She had been sold to the Russian's with out a second thought it seemed and that did not make the least bit happy. She was rather hurt by what her father had done since it separated her from the family she loved so much.

She was lead away by the group of the Russian's not understanding anything they said. So she remained silent, just watching and listening. She tried her best not to get on their nerves although she knew it was bound to happen. If the Kirin was watching over her, then it must of been laughing it's damn head off with this one. She seemed to have gotten herself into a bad position with out knowing what she had done. After a few weeks of traveling around Japan with the Russian's they once more set off toward their homeland. The cold lands. One of the Russian's the youngest, seemed to hold the most interest in Akira, often trying to strike conversations up with her while she stared at him silently as if she did not understand what he meant.

She hoped her sister was doing better than she was. This was going to be a long trip. They tried to feed her well, but Akira only ate the bare minimum, taking nothing more from the Russian's. She did not trust them all too much but that was okay since that seemed to go both ways. She had become not much more than a slave to the rich Russian nobles. Soon enough they would reach their lands once more, although she was not looking forward to that. Daily she cursed her father for being the moron he had been. If it weren't for him she would of had met the match maker and had a family. But instead she was traveling with a group of brutes who did things in a strange way and talked strange... This was going to be a long trip...

Shinigami years.

Needless to say, Akira died in Russia at the age of Seventeen. There were rumors spilling around about the elusive sword man, (woman this case) who worked around for the mafia. She was a bit of a legend in that area, being hired as a killer. It was said she had went mad, ranting and raving about monsters named hollows. Needless to say, her 'mentors' as they deemed themselves killed Akira. They left her body to freeze in the cold depths of the winter, and she was never seen again. Although, she did roam around for awhile. As a soul looking for solace, although it wasn't coming to her. She seemed confused until a man garbed in black helped her pass on into the other world.

Once passed on she wound up in the Rukon. She didn't mind this way of life, remaining by herself for good hours on end. She traveled about exploring, but never once said anything. She had to say she disliked this way of life, and she watched the human world silently, and then found out her baby sister had died. The one she had been so close to. Suddenly the world didn't seem so happy, and the hunger the gnawed at her gut was also irritating. What the hell was she supposed to do? Then another one of the strange people found her, and explained to her that the spiritual energy she was releasing meant she was like them. She accepted this and was soon enrolled in school.

She meet her spirit of the sword she had there, its name was Kirin. Together they vowed to work together to make everything better. Although she secretly knew that things would get better any time soon. She worked hard through the academy with the sword, ignoring everyone else around her. It was said that she was good at zajutsu and kido, but useless with hoho and hand to hand combat. But needless to say she passed the academy and got along with her spirit.

Zanpakutō//A power within

[color=#424BFF]Sealed Form: Unlike most sealed swords, hers is not a Katana but a wakizashi. It is often found hanging at her hip, fastened there with a gray sash. The sheath of the blade is made from a light bamboo. The bamboo has been smoothed to take out the ridges, but because of how well made the sheath is the blade remains sharp, not going dull. The bamboo had then been varnished over giving it a glossy look to make sure that it did not get scratched too easy. The ribbon tied around it is a pale pink, with green silk twining around it. A long ribbon trails from the sword which allows her to easily swing the sword over her head if she must. The blade of the sword is a light silver, but seems to hold a beautiful glow to it. Along the hilt of the blade, there is writing that says 'The Kirin bestows good fortune upon thee' in a scripted print in kanji along it the blade of the sword. Under the ribbon there was a detailed look to it but the ribbon is rarely moved from the blade.

Name: Kirin
Spirit Appearance: The spirits form is a Kirin, a chimera like creature from Japanese mythology. It’s said to be the king over all mammals. It’s said to appear when a sage has come to the lands. The Kirin is a good omen that brings prosperity to all those that see it. Greatness is bestowed on the owner of the Kirin, but a great bloodshed must come before the Kirin will grant a wish. The creature which is supposed to be seen as a good omen is actually a blood thirsty creature. When its tastes are quenched it will aid its owner to prosperity.

The Kirin holds an almost demanding appearance to it. Its face resembles a mix of the eastern dragon and a horse; the whiskers are those of the eastern dragon. The creature’s eyes are golden like the sun’s rays which will gently light up the world, but underneath the gentle look, is pure hatred toward almost everything it sees. It has a horn upon its head, with a mane made of fire; the Kirin's body is covered in scales. It has hooves like a deer does, and the body built almost like a deer’s would have its own built.

Spirit Personality: The personality of the spirit is rather calm. It holds a noble air to it which remains slightly terrifying to those that witness the creatures approach. It’s very calm toward its owner and shows respect at all times, although it can take on a bad attitude. The creature is seen as rather prestigious and gentle toward all that encounter it. It will not harm another creature, but it’s very presence makes everyone aware that there will be a large bloodshed. It also does not like to talk to its owner very much often looking at her in a manner that may suggest she is a fool rather than a smart woman. He tends to look down on her, holding a very big pride.
Inner World: The domain of the spirit is described as pure raw, in all forms hell. A large gate shows in the world, it’s made from a dark iron metal. The metal poles link together, but are twisted so finely so that all whom touch it slice their hands up. The front of the gate rises roughly twenty feet into the air. On the front of it is the image of the Wiccan star, from the star blood drips. It trails down the length of the door slowly, while flames lick from under neath the gate. When the gate is opened, screams shatter the silence. A heat erupts around the area, making in hot. A feeling of having a hot poker pointed to your eyes and throat come when stepping inside.

Above it appears almost like you've entered an underground cave. Flames are seen from all angles that you look at, in front of you there's a rickety bridge. A howling moaning wind sways the bridge over a black void of nothing. The scent of death reeks when on the bridge. The scent is almost overwhelming seeming to drown the senses. When crossing the bridge darkness seems to invade your senses. You have to pass the bridge with all your senses gone. This seems almost like an impossible task.

Once the bridge is passed, the senses slowly to return. Decaying bodies are found strewn around, limbs ripped apart. The bodies are hard to tell the gender, they've been mutilated beyond repair. Making the way through this, is a dark mist where a small island is found. The island holds a sickly sweet scent coming off of it. There's a boat harboured to the side of the cave wall, gently bobbing in the waves of the black water. Once making way across the water, all sense of direction goes missing before the boat hits the shore of the island. Once at the island the sounds of hooves approach the ship.

Once hitting this island the senses are once more returned slowly. The first thing the eyes will be able to take in is the bright green plants that live there. The place is full of life, thriving with all sorts of life. The flowers are beautiful and it seems strange that such an island would survive in a hellish place such as that. But her Kirin often told her that when something ended something new started, and every time a soul was slain a beautiful flower bloomed to remember the person. The island is roughly ten kilometres in length, and has all sorts of flowers on it. Each flower has its own story behind it, and each is beautiful in their own way. A sandy path leads towards the center of the island where her spirit is usually found resting on a bed of bright green grass relaxing. Somehow, sunlight seems to dance brightly on this island, holding an inviting look like it will lure you in and keep you captive there. It’s also not uncommon to find her spirit on a cliff looking down on its island with a watchful gaze.

Shikai Release Phrase: Yakedo hatamata yakekoge tame tomi, Kirin. (Burn and scorch to fortune, Kirin.) 麒麟
Shikai Abilities: When Kirin is released flames spout from the blade, they dance and flicker like they want to join together to make a completely separate life form from the blade itself. This is the spirit of Kirin, and Akira join their Reiatsu together. Once they do, Akira is able to shoo the flames at will from the sword, or from the palm of her hand. When the flames come out, it looks like a multitude of small half dragon half horse figures galloping towards the target. The flames themselves do burn, but not in an extremely super heat. Where ever the stampede's fire trail ends, it will start growing vine like plants. This is a by-product of Kirins ability to burn to life, or to state more plainly to burn to death to create life. These vines are the real problem. Once they touch you, they act as a bakudo, and will start to bind you. This gives Akira the ability to either hit you with more flames, or strike you with the sword.

The power is limited to a certain distance, the closer it is the less effective it will be. Also because of the balance required to meld each of their Reiatsu's together, these attacks can only continue to be shot off consecutively a limited amount of times before Akira needs to reset the shikai. Like all Kido, these attacks are avoidable by either a flash step, running away from the flames, and or vines. In the event that the vines do not latch onto anything within the first few moments, they will shrink back into the ground, air, or where ever they grew from.

While in Melee Akira can resort to using the flame that dances on the sword to strike at the opponent. The heat will definitely hurt you, but it is not so intense that it is unbearable to be within melee distance of it. Because of the concentration required Akira has a hard time merging her Reiatsu with Kirin, and usually will consume more energy in the long run, thus limiting the distance, and power of the overall ability.
Shikai Appearance:
Shikai Techniques:




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Akira [WIP] Empty Re: Akira [WIP]

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Fri Sep 09, 2011 3:30 am

2 days notice of move to inactive area.
Shunsui Kyōraku
Shunsui Kyōraku
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Reiatsu : 105
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Join date : 2011-08-23

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