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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] EmptyFri Oct 21, 2011 9:00 am by Escher Gunari

Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] EmptyWed Sep 28, 2011 9:23 am by Narku

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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 2:58 am by Shunsui Kyōraku

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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 2:56 am by Shunsui Kyōraku

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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] EmptySat Sep 17, 2011 2:54 am by Shunsui Kyōraku

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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] EmptyFri Sep 09, 2011 3:30 am by Shunsui Kyōraku

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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] EmptyFri Sep 09, 2011 3:30 am by Shunsui Kyōraku

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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] EmptyFri Sep 09, 2011 3:29 am by Shunsui Kyōraku


Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Mon Aug 29, 2011 6:49 am

The two tsuba of Shunsui's weapons clicked together as he exited his office. He reached down and pulled them slightly father apart than before running his thumb over on of the many petals which decorated the cross guards. As he left the barracks he grinned to himself straightening his hat so it faced forward, rather that having one of the ties dangling in front of his face. He felt slightly embarrassed at that wondering just how long it had been there without him noticing. He shook his arm sweeping his captain's haori in front of the Zanpakuto's hilts after all shinigami where strictly forbidden from carrying their weapons in Sereitei, most certainly captains because of their destructive power. Shunsui had always wondered why this rule was in place, he or Ukitake would easily be able to destroy the place with Kido, not that the would of course. His little day dream of him and Jushiro destroying Sereitei with just kido left him about three inches from the door when he finally snapped out of it. Stopping abruptly he let out a sigh of relief and shouted too whoever was supposed to be operating the gigantic gates today.

Unlike when he had arrived about ten minutes before the gates opened this time allowing him to pass through. "Thank you!" He shouted facing away from the barracks as he strolled onwards. It wasn't far to the 13th Division training grounds, only taking him around 20 minutes or so to arrive, as he did he noticed that unlike his own, Ukitake's courtyard was in pristine condition. He felt a slight bout of jealously at it, only reinforcing his need to repair his own. As he approached the gates they opened almost automatically, I need a better gate worker as well, he thought to himself. As he entered, the gates closed behind him, a slight breeze created by them ruffling his pink kimono draped lightly over his shoulders.

He looked left to right attempting to recall which way the training grounds where, he wasn't entirely sure but took the route to the right, skirting around the edge of the main building passing a lovely pond filled with Koi fish of all different colours. Head turning as he walked seemingly entranced by the fish. As he turned round the corner the training ground came into view, he stopped for a moment looking for Jushiro. He preceded to the edge of the area and sat down of the lush grass, his hat cast a deep shade over his face, protecting him from the sun at the same time. He closed his eyes knowing that Jushiro would be here soon, if he wasn't already that was and Shunsui had simply missed him during his preliminary overview of the grounds. Either way this was a nice place to sit for the moment being.

He took out his wakizashi with its scabbard and slid it into his sash again, but this time on his right hip. Not that keeping one of his weapons hidden would do any good, Jushiro knew full well of his dual Zanpakuto. A shame really... a quick draw with the second weapon always put the enemy off balance, a perfect time to strike with the finishing blow. He heard a voice calling him and his eyes flickered open.
Shunsui Kyōraku
Shunsui Kyōraku
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Mon Aug 29, 2011 10:24 pm

Shunsui? It was, naturally, the voice of Jushiro Ukitake, calling from the ornamental bridge laid across the pond. This had happened before, and it irritated the 13th Division Captain to no end - sometimes, he got so immersed in his surroundings that he seemed to become a part of them, standing so still and quiet that people were apt not to notice him.
Tightening his waist sash and readjusting his Zanpakuto with a satisfying clink, Jushiro turned and walked towards his sitting friend, immediately noting where he had positioned his own blades and therefore guessing on his primary attack strategy.
They had known one-another for over two-thousand years, after all. Long-term friends like that tend to learn more about each other than the other party wishes for them to.

It's good to see you again... he trailed off, eyes settling on his scruffy friend's nose, which was red and hinting at a recent assault. Nanao-chan again. It was a statement, not a question. What is it that irritates your young Lieutenant so? And of course, Ukitake had never been subject to Shunsui's lewd behavior, so he didn't quite understand the frustration that may come with that.
Jushiro Ukitake
Jushiro Ukitake
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:39 am

"Jushiro!" He chuckled slightly as he said it, a big grin on his face. He seemed to glide to his feet in welcoming his white haired friend. "How are you?" He questioned, hoping against bad news. Sometimes he was very weak as his illness (from the space badgers) had almost obliterated his immune system. But he appeared well to Shunsui. He noticed Jushiro's gaze drop for a split second to his waist and his instantly moved his arm slightly to hide his weaponry, not that it would matter, after 2000 years they knew each other inside and out. He looked oddly at Jushiro his tone making it seem that it had been a long time since they last met up. It had however been yesterday evening, before Shunsui passed out cold... he'd had a long day with the captain trials earlier that morning and all. His sleep was a good one though from mid evening till the next afternoon.

With the next statement however from Jushiro he did realise just why he had trailed off. "It's a love-hate relationship," his grin quickly returning... "I didn't think it was that bad?" He questioned goofily trying to look at his own nose, going cross eyed as he did. His speech much more serious now,"I care for her Jushiro. Kinda like a daughter to me, and don't make any jokes, I owe it to Lisa."

The moment however passed quickly and he beckoned for Jushiro to follow him onto the training grounds, the others using the field parting as he stepped onto the area. Everyone hurried to the sides watching with awe as the battle of the captains was about to begin. "I see no need to use anything but our sealed state, you know why with mine..." He stroked his beard waiting for Jushiro to join him at the centre. He grabbed his tachi with his left hand, preparing to draw his mighty blades.
Shunsui Kyōraku
Shunsui Kyōraku
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Tue Aug 30, 2011 5:47 am

I'm well, Jushiro immediately assured him, even though he had suffered a minor attack from his illness earlier in the day.
He smiled, amused, as his friend tried to hide his weaponry, acting as if they were going to fight 'for realsies'. Humouring him, Captain Ukitake did the same with his haori, to little effect due to the large bulge that left at his waist. This would be fun; that much was clear.

He listened rather solemnly to his friend speak, nodding when appropriate and uttering a small chuckle at the cross-eyed expression, before sobering up.
Yes, of course, Kyoraku-kun. I'll speak no more of it, if that's your wish. Always the sullen one, he thought to himself. Always polite; that's important to remember. It was probably the reason for the pair's long-lasting friendship, come to think of it...
Jushiro's lungs raised a quiet protest, but he brought up no blood; if he did, Shunsui would undoubtedly cancel the match.

And...yes. That's probably for the best. My Shikai would do little against you, Shunsui - we were built to compliment one-another's attacks, not to throw them at one-another... Jushiro smiled. Still, this should prove interesting.
Without further ado, Ukitake drew his blade and held it by his side, ready to counterattack already.
Jushiro Ukitake
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:30 am

Ukitake was a little too polite sometimes, but that wasn't necessarily a bad thing at all. Shunsui did however sometimes lighten up a bit, he could though see a slight lie in Ukitake when he told him he was fine. But he knew Jushiro would tell him if he couldn't go on with the battle, or so he hoped. He moved his shoulders slightly trying to get his flowered kimono into a better position so it wouldn't fall off of him in combat. And his eyes flickered upwards for a moment, noticing a tiny cherry blossom petal stuck between the weaves of his hat, he reached up and plucked it out, staring at it for a few moments before returning to his own being.

He looked at the entire situation, the room available, his opponents skill, the amount of reiatsu he was suppressing, his stronger hand, Shunsui's eyes darting around with great speed absorbing all of the information. Processing it in his brain within a hundredth of a second. Taking into account the fact he couldn't use his shikai and most certainly did not want to harm his opponent... not badly at least anyway. He always considered retiring to a career of chess, he was certain he would be decent at the game. He had to be careful though, he knew better than anyone the extent of Jushiro's intelligence.

He drew his sword with such speed, that as it whipped through the air it created a small blast, enough to throw anyone off of their feet. He slowly brought the sword back to centre mass and split his feet, raising his right hand he gripped the hilt above his left hand. He tensed his foot making the sound of gravel crunching together on the floor. He didn't dare release his reiatsu, not with this many people around, he knew full well what could happen if he did.

A drop of sweat rolled down his forehead, he raised a hand to swat it before it entered his eye, dropping his guard for a split second. Maybe though, that's what he wanted Jushiro to think.

Shunsui Kyōraku
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Tue Aug 30, 2011 7:41 am

Please, Shunsui, Jushiro laughed as he saw his old friend assessing the situation in that old way of his, never finding that it lost its humour. We know one-another's moves inside and out; there's no use watching me when I know exactly what you're watching for - I can simply rectify those things in my first strike, taking you completely off-guard. as he spoke, his right hand anonymously slipped into his haori and seemed to scratch an itch.
It was a ruse; while his right hand seemed to be up to shady business, his left came up even more discreetly, a single finger leaving the hilt of his katana to point at his friend's leg.

Sometimes, less obervation is more - Hado Four, Byakuran. Immediately, a purplish bolt of lightning left his fingertip and zipped towards Shunsui's thigh, aiming to skim the flesh but knowing full well the extent of the burly Shinigami's speed.
So, in preparation for a counterattack, Jushiro shifted his weight ever so slightly, bringing both hands to his Zanpakuto and bracing his weight against a strike.
Jushiro Ukitake
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Tue Aug 30, 2011 8:18 am

Shunsui followed his hand without moving his eyes this time, watching seamlessly as his hand moved up and down. Staring Jushiro straight in the eye. He was very nearly distracted by the itching manoeuvre only just catching the raised finger after he blinked. As the words came from Jushiro's mouth he was ready for it. He had bent over slightly beforehand having analysed exactly where his finger was aiming. His hand shot down from it's position on the hilt of his sword, a tiny blue ball forming on the back of his hand. The bolt struck it, compressing slightly before it shot back with twice the speed. The blue ball disappeared, the bakudo's services no longer required. The bolt missed, his aim obviously off he didn't frequently use that spell.

Shunsui was a little taken a back, "That's hardly like you Jushiro-san." A comical depressed look on his face, something he was obviously forcing through his smile. Attempting to humour his friend, "And just as I was tying my lace." He then sounded slightly disappointed in Ukitake. Using his flash step Shunsui shot past Ukitake, sweeping his sword in an arc just enough to keep a perfect defensive posture yet make the noise of the almost monomolecular blade resonating as is swept through the air. He was behind Ukitake now, and his head turned looking over his left shoulder. His hat brushed his shoulder and cast a black as night shade over his face, his grey iris of his left eye barely able to be told apart from his pupil, only the white visible.

Secretly he had also drawn his wakizashi, holding in next to his tachi so there was no possible way to tell it was there until it was too late.
Shunsui Kyōraku
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:59 am

I was just trying to teach you a new lesson, Kyoraku-kun~ Or is it true that old dogs can't learn new tricks? Jushiro's tone was not cruel; instead, it was full of laughter and good-humour, mocking his friend as he began to immerse himself in the battle.
The Byakuran shot back at him. That was fine; Ukitake had been expecting it, and dodged it with a simple tilt of his body.
It was then that Shunsui disappeared.
Jushiro's lip twitched upwards.

Captain Ukitake immediately ducked under the sword arch, performing the rather athletic manoever of bringing his body weight as low as possible, stretching his leg way back, and taking a long twirling stride around his opponent, ending the spin with a return on the sword blow; Jushiro swing his Zanpakuto at Shunsui's shoulder, aiming to slash apart one of the flowers etched onto his kimono.
Never think fast, friend - think faster!
Even as the blade was in motion, Jushiro's free hand ducked into his haori, hiding something...
Jushiro Ukitake
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:19 pm

His sword easily slit through the thin fabric of the pink kimono, bright light shone through the freshly cut hole. Ukitake had seen the manoeuvre before now, however it had been three years ago. Shunsui was behind Jushiro now, he hadn't yet finished cutting up his kimono. He cringed slightly but was quickly reassured knowing he had a few replacements. "Oh man!" He whined at Jushiro, seeming to act as if it was his only one left. Again, as before he tone and expression changed in the matter of a second, "The only reason you could even see me... I wasn't even moving at half speed." He had sheathed his wakizashi again, there was no need for it at the moment.

Shunsui threw his sword into the air, snatching it up with his right hand, all at the same time as raising his left palm. He didn't say anything only thinking it a gigantic yellow wave of energy shot from his hand. A huge boom occurred, the rapid condensation of water vapour due to the sonic shock, creating what seemed to be visible air. All of this happened no more that two feet from his hand and the bolt was still accelerating, tripling it's speed within another two feet.

The bolt crackled, allowing a slight glimpse through the bolt, revealing that Shunsui was already gone. You could tell someone's power when they used a level 63 hado as a diversion.
Shunsui Kyōraku
Shunsui Kyōraku
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Wed Aug 31, 2011 11:32 pm

A Thunder Cann-! Jushiro almost yelped in surprise, turning and drawing his hand hastily from his haori, a glowing #39 Enkosen forming an oval in the palm. He refocused and held its form mightily, deflecting Shunsui's blast into the sky and bruishing Jushiro's hand lightly. You shouldn't use high-level Kido when all these people are around, Shunsui! he lectured, glancing around for his friend.
The reiatsu was there - after all this time, Shunsui would find it impossible to disguise his energy from his closest friend - but very vaguely, as if it could have been everywhere at once.

If this is an invisibility Kido, snap out of it! he chuckled, feigning distress. That isn't very fair, you know? All of a sudden, a dry grinding sensation built in Jushiro's chest. He managed to hold back another bout of Tuberculosis, but barely; the pain showed on his face, in the form of a brief wince.
Jushiro Ukitake
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Thu Sep 01, 2011 12:14 am

Shunsui was next to Jushiro, chuckling at the thought of some form of invisibility Kido. Shunsui noticed that Jushiro was struggling, pulling his Wakizashi to a halt, no more that a foot away from his neck. "Ahh you really need to work on what Kido you can recognise, Jushiro-san." He said laughing hoping that he wasn't too bad health wise. He stepped around the the front of him, "You know if your unwell we shouldn't be doing this..." He spun his swords so the tips were pointed downwards at the dusty floor. He leant closer to Ukitake, his very caring face looking over his friend.

He saw the cringe of pain as he leant down to get a better look at Jushiro, he sheathed both of his weapons in a quick, smooth manoeuvre. He did however have to remain at a certain distance, he didn't particularily wish to hit Jushiro on the head with his hat.

(Sorry about the short post am a bit distracted hehe)
Shunsui Kyōraku
Shunsui Kyōraku
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Thu Sep 01, 2011 1:26 am

Jushiro seemed utterly surprised when Shunsui simply stepped around and presented himself. Instead of answering, the 13th Division Captain clutched his chest and frowned, suddenly angry at himself.
This isn't good, Kyoraku-kun. I could never die from this disease, but it pains me more and more every year. Even when Unohana-sama tries to help, it just goes into hibernation for a few months before coming back twice as strong.
He turned away, not wanting his friend to see him like this. A cough rose to his throat, and a smattering of red dampened the grass. And...It dampens my effectiveness in battle. In normal situations, I would have noticed your position immediately...would have deflected the Thunder Cannon without blinking...

In a rage - with himself, not Shunsui - he gently pushed past his friend and stormed towards the barracks where his prescription medicine would be waiting. I'm sorry to call you over like this and disappoint you, Shunsui - I really am - but... It can't be helped. In front of all the spectating Shinigami, Jushiro doubled over and underwent a fit of hacking coughs, each one bringing a pang of pain to his lungs worse than the last.
Jushiro Ukitake
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:13 am

Shunsui watched as blood shot from Jushiro's mouth and as he got annoyed, something entirely uncharacteristic of him. He knew that Jushiro was much more powerful before he fell ill and was easily on par with his own skill in the good old days. He knew his words were true he used to be a brilliant strategist who would never miss a thing.

Jushiro stormed past Shunsui brushing his shoulder, Shunsui quickly spun on his heels. Chasing after his friend he began to discuss something he had discovered during his recent trip to the human world. "Well I hear the humans are developing a new treatment, I know how many times we've failed to replicate certain drugs in spirit form and this would take a year of monitored treatment but it would guarantee you'd get better."
Shunsui Kyōraku
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Fri Sep 02, 2011 6:21 am

Jushiro raised a weary head to his friend, coughing and dampening the grass once more before focusing completely on Shunsui.
You really think it will be that easy? Kurotsuchi and Unohana-sama may be clever enough to replicate the drug, but my illness is worse than human Tuberculosis... It grew with me - adapted to my immune system...
Finally, he stood and brushed himself down, giving Shunsui an apologetic glance.
I'm sorry for speaking out of term, Kyoraku-kun, but...I can't handle this illness anymore. Soon, I'll be on par with a Lieutenant, and after that..? Will I even be a Shinigami anymore? Could such a disease-ridden being even be classed as such?

Without another word, Jushiro stood and headed towards his barracks, hoping to get some medicinal relief, no matter how temporary it may be.
Jushiro Ukitake
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Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:01 am

"Thats the brilliant thing," Shunsui replied, "The treatment would even target strands of Tuberculosis that are entirely resistant, I haven't spoken to Unohana yet but the humans are confident that it could work on even something called XDR-TB I think..." He hurried after Jushiro, "Of course you will... your one of the best I know. We should talk to Unohana, see if she knows anything of the treatment." He was grinning really knowing that his friend could be well again. He noticed the

He followed him into his barracks, hoping Jushiro would agree that this was necessary.
Shunsui Kyōraku
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Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui] Empty Re: Division 13 Training Grounds - The Battle of Friends [Closed: Jushiro & Shunsui]

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:27 pm

Jushiro's expression darkened.
My friend, if what you said was true, I would have already been informed. No such treatment exists. He said this definitively, not allowing himself even an inkling of hope lest it be brutally crushed.
Thank you, however, for trying to brighten my mood.
With another dismissive cough of blood, Captain Ukitake turned to face Shunsui, forcing a smile. Perhaps I should travel further afield, in search of a cure. If another situation arises here, I want to be strong enough to face it.
He was, of course, referring to the mythical 'Contract Man', rumoured to grant any wish...for a price.

I doubt, he added after a while, that my absence will be noted. I'll leave my Lieutenants in charge of the Division: after all, Miss Kuchiki needs to prove herself capable.
Finally, he uttered a chuckle. You probably won't miss me; you have your Sake bottle for company, after all.
Jushiro Ukitake
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