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Johnathan Walker

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Johnathan Walker Empty Johnathan Walker

Post  Silim Tue Aug 30, 2011 1:15 pm


Back to Basics//

Name: Johnathan Walker

Aliases: Hero, Mr. Confidence, arrogant prick

Age: 19

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Himself and justice. Johnathan is not above attacking even other Quincy if it is to serve true justice and the light.


Height & Weight: 1,95m, making him far taller than the average japanese man or woman, with an average build and weight.

Hair & Eye Colour: Completely jet-black hair, coupled with hazy blue, almost grey, eyes. His hair is also rather long, extending over nearly his entire back, and is usually kept in a ponytail while fighting.

A tall and rather lean young man, Johnathan Walker definiatly looks 'exotic' in Karakura, even though not on the levels of people like Chad. He is half-japanese, half-german, and that shows through. Always having a slight smirk or even smile on his face, he radiates confidence while just walking or standing, and his presence is reassuring. His clothing is usually light and unformal, and can rarely be seen in anything other than simple shirts, both with long and short sleaves, and jeans. He does wear boots instead of normal shoes most of the time, though. Nearly all of his clothes have some kind of cross etched into them, be it a classic christian one or a celtic cross, or even a pentagram at rare occasions.
His bright smile can indeed vanish, though, and even the confident smirk is not everlasting. Whenever Johnathan is dead serious, his expression will clearly reflect that, and the sparkle of his eyes vanishes.

Under the Skin//

  • Beer - Johnathan is a better drinker than it would seem at first, maybe because he is german, and likes himself a good and cooled beer after a hard day of Hollow extermination.
  • Justice - Being a 'Hero' himself, Johnathan adores the rightousness and chivalry.
  • Being a Brother - Through one coincidence or the other, he is amazing when it comes to cheering people up and backing them up, being there for them, with them. Sharing tears, joy, and pride together, he is the ideal figure of an 'Aniki' for any aspiring defender of justice and the light, and the Quincy loves being it.
  • Companionship - Besides being the 'Aniki' of others, Johnathan loves having others on his side, with him, fighting for the same ideal. True trust and the feeling of being amongst people you can sacrifice yourself for, that is what life is all about!
  • The Light Inside - Johnathans personality and strong empathy are the cause of this. Should he feel that someone can find the way back to justice and the light, he will NEVER kill that person, but instead try to convert them back, to give them new hope in the right path.

  • Evil - No matter in what form, shape or personification it appears, all that is deemed 'evil' in the general view of things is his mortal enemy!
  • Laughing at his Brother - It's more a 'berserk switch' than it is a dislike. Should someone laugh at a person seen as a brother by him - as detailed above - Johnathan will INSTANTLY snap, often with the strangely distant-sounding line 'You laughed at my Aibou... didn't you?!', followed by a major beatdown or fight for sure.
  • Hollow and Arrancar - A natural dislike for his kind, he is not too fond of either of those. In rare occassions, he might find it in himself to side with one of them, if they show that they are truely not evil and on the side of justice like him.
  • Betrayal - To betray his trust is to stab a knife into his soul. Johnathan can and will hold grudges against this, quite large ones, in fact.
  • Beyond the Impossible - As a warrior, Johnathan likes a challenge, but what he despises is meeting someone so strong that he stands no chance of victory. This will GREATLY reduce his ego and mind-health for quite some time should it occur.

Personality: To call Johnathan confident is... an understatement. Believing in his abilities like noone else, he permanently shoves it down everyones throat how awesome he is, looking down on Hollows in general for their animalistic behaviour. Since his meeting with quite a few friendly death gods, his view on Shinigami changed - while he was quite hostile to them in the beginning, he now accepts most of them. He has some trouble letting go of the past, however, since it is harder for him to trust Shinigami and Vizard. Towards other Quincy, his behaviour changes mostly, using much of his overconfident attitude, being much more friendly.
His behaviour changes completely if friends are in danger, however. Calling himself a 'hero', John tries to mask the fact a bit that he is a very caring soul for his comrades, and will usually get dead serious in fights for them. For his friends, John would put his life on the line any day.
In fights for himself or without eniment danger for his friends, he will usually try to boast even more than usual, leading his enemies into rage and more irrational behaviour along the way, leading to an actually very calm fighting style on his side, always trying to take advantage of situation and fighting area. He is not above getting in close, either, and is more adapt at close quarter combat than most would think. John has thus no prefered fighting range and is a jack of all trades, master of none.
While it normally takes quite some time to get used to him, Johnathan is someone you can count on if he counts you as one of his friends. He sees it as his duty to protect every single human from the threat of supernatural beings, even other Quincy if needed. While is often seen with a 'light' or 'angelic' appearance in combat, he does not, in fact, believe in any kind of god.

Johnathans whole family where spiritually aware, and even more than that: They where Quincies. His whole family where he, his father and his mother, though - nobody more. At least he doesn't know of any other relative, that is. Being able to see spirits since his birth, he could shoot a bow before he could walk without falling down, destroying his first Hollow at the age of 7.
Since his family had to keep a low profile, they couldn't protect humans as much as they wanted. This was because of a great distrust and hate against Shinigami from his father and mother, both descendants of the nearly destroyed German Quincy Clan. Both thought they where maybe the last Quincy in the whole world.
However, the rather peaceful but exiting life soon came to an end when one of the strongest Hollow appeared in Germany. A Vasto Lorde. It attacked the town the three Quincy lived in when Johnathan was only 10 years old, and while the Shinigami would surely dispatch their strongest, his parents could not simply sit back and wait. Locking the protesting John in, both of them disappeared into the night, ready to fight the monster that tried to destroy their home for fun.

After two hours, Johnathan finally managed to break out of the seal-protected room in the house. Speeding through the air and over the ground, it wasn't hard to sense the battle area with all the energy there... but what he saw was a massacre.
The Vasto Lorde was dead. Impaled by three green Seele Schneider, he was pinned against a wall... and to his feet, there was the Quincy who used them, in his own blood. Dead. His father. The mother of the young boy was nowhere to be seen, but judging from the amount of blood on the ground of the devasted street... With a scream, Johnathan passed out.

He never found out how much time passed, but when the Quincy woke back up, he felt many dried up tears on his face, and no more in his eyes to let out. After his eyes focused on his surroundings again, he found himself back in the house he lived in for his entire life. A figure in a black Kimono stood in the window - the face was covered in shadows. A Shinigami.
"I was too late to help him, but you are safe here. Escape. Don't let Mayuri find out about you..." With that, the Shinigami disappeared into the night.
Who this Mayuri was, he did not know. Neither could he comprehend what happened exactly. Not till someone other appeared infront of him, the Plusus of his father...

Training for three years, almost without stop, while constantly traveling, Johnathan reached the country of Japan, carrying only some things... the Quincy Cross that once belonged to his father, his self-build Seele Schneider collection, some Silver Tubes, his own will and confidence... and the money he 'aquired' through various ways. On this day, he declared Karakura Town his new home. A home he would protect with his life, as well as his whole world. Why he came to this town?
In the writings the young Quincy found, this town was the nearest to the oldest of all Quincy Orders, the clan they all originated from. He would find other Quincy here, for sure...

After settling down in Karakura then, he quickly enrolled himself into college thanks to his analytical ability, easily passing the entry tests. He was quickly convinced that this new home really was worth protecting, like his first thoughts told him, and became one of the towns staple warriors. The Shinigami are generally aware of his existance, but don't seen to move either against or with him just yet.

Quincy Bow//An ancient power

Bow Appearance: A rare kind of bow, Johnathan utilizes a 'triple trunk longbow', which is basicially 3 bows just as large as him intertwined into one single, stronger bow. It glows in a beautiful white, radiating light that can illuminate the night. It actually looks quite angelic.
Sealed Form: A combination of three crosses, with equal sides, melted into one another, thus looking more like a 'star'.

Bow Abilities: Thanks to the triple-layered nature and thick pressure of the bow, each single arrow has immense power. The downside is, obviously, how hard it is to pull the string, making it hard to rapid-fire. Thanks to the layered technique, though, the bow can collect multiple arrows at once, and with longer charging time, can release blasts of up to ten arrows at the same time, not unlike a shotgun-blast. Those are of course far less accurate than a single charged arrow, which contains the power of the already strong ten arrows in one.
Each arrow fired by this bow is also beaming white, easily illuminating even the darkest of places. Once they hit something, the discharge of energy can cause minor explosions of light-energy thanks to the accumulated spiritual power, and have a slight distortion-power. To actually use that aspect, a special skill is needed (see below).

Quincy Techniques -

Name: Unlimited Warfare Works
Description: Dubbed the 'perfect Silver Tube' by the creator itself, if it really is that is doubtful. To use this technique, the Silver Tube used is changed in functionality 'slightly'... by being turned into an arrowhead. 'Placing' it while drawing the string of the bow makes a long arrow appear, drenched in raw spiritual strength and collecting massive amounts of energy from the atmosphere. However, before this arrow can be released, a massive chant has to be completed, the major weakness of this technique.
"I am the bone of my weapon
Light is my soul and glass is my heart
I have fought over a thousand battles
Unknown to Peace, nor known to Joy
Have withstood pain for the blue sky
Yet these eyes will never see it
Waiting for my destiny, I have no regrets
So give me, Unlimited Warfare Works"
At the release of the bowstring, though, hell is let loose. Unleashing a barrage of highly empowered arrows, this storm has immense destructive force, but locks the user in place while unleashing it as to not lose all footholds. After using this, exhaustion is generally quite large.

Name: Doppel Schneider
Description: A nicer wording for two Seele Schneider used in unison. Forming very effective double-swords, both with fast-vibrating blades of countless smaller blades, these weapons can cleanly cleave through anything spiritual or solid, and also absorb more energy the longer Johnathan holds them, enhancing their power further and further. The speciality, though, is Johnathans ability to 'load' both of them as an arrow simultaneously, and upon release, spin around each other in a spiral. After impact, they create a MASSIVE explosion right after stabbing the opponent, causing quite a lot of dust. The worst possible fate, though, would be to have both the Soul Sleep and Soul Chain cut by them simultaneously, as that would remove all spiritual powers of the target instantly.

Name: Charged Shot
Description: The technique that utilizes the ability of his bow. Accumilating more and more spiritual energy while the string is drawn back, Johnathan can release shotgun-like blasts or charged arrows, that is nothing new. However, this technique embraces that nature, and effectively doubles the amount of energy he can store at once, doubling the bows initial ability. To charge this much spiritual power takes a toll on time and on his hand holding the string, though, and the chargeup-time can only be reduced by increasing his speed further. Also, these further-charged arrows are only useable as a single shot with more power, and can't be used to unleash a larger amount of shotgun-arrows.

RP Sample//

(This RP sample is from another forum, obviously.)

His name? Well, it was quite well known in Karakura Town, Italy, Cairo, or any other place with humans still alive and kicking. And why? Well, that was also simple. He was one of the leaders of the Hashia, the protectors of earth, first a secret organization, now an open military force repelling the invaders of the nearly destroyed earth together with the Gotei 13 and the Vizard Corps.
But unlike his comrades in arms that started the idea of perfect peace, he was not wielding a Zanpakuto. In fact, he wasn't even a soul to begin with - unlike them, he was a living human out of flesh and blood. He was a transcendant human, one who had awakened to powers far surpassing the norm, the self-proclaimed strongest living of his kind - he was a Quincy. And his name was Johnathan Walker, the most awesome dude in the northern and southern hemisphere of the earth, as his confidence was telling everyone he met.

So what was this self-assured, confident, quite powerful and, according to his own FANCLUB, charming, Quincy doing down on earth? Simple, he was patrolling. Mainly it was an excuse to escape from paperwork, but also to keep his senses sharp, to keep in touch with the people and the soldiers, and to relax for a bit, too.
So here he was, walking through THIN AIR, above the heads of the common people. A few pointed towards him, some even said his name. Of course, there was a strategical reason behind his name being so well-known - his confidence was contagious. Whoever listened to him felt encouraged to keep going, to keep on pushing forward. He was a hero of the people.
Did he have any special agenda to be one? No, not really. He had chosen the path of rightousness from his own mind, but to really become a 'hero' was a decision he had only done after seeing a certain Shinigami in action. But today, she would have to take a back seat in Johnathans mind - because he had an 'appointment' of sorts with his so far best and strongest student.
In all honesty, there wasn't much left for him to teach her to begin with. She was barely any younger than he was, had a quick learning curve, and for sure had wits and guts nearly on his level, from his point of view where he was the strongest being known - or so it seemed. After all, everyone had their image to maintain around others, but this student of his also knew that he was not all that arrogant.
So now he was just strolling through downtown in mid-air, watching everything carefully. Then, he sensed something on the border of his mind, and closed his eyes.
//Open up your senses...// Letting go of his hold of reality, completely sinking into his ability to detect spiritual power for a moment, he opened his grey eyes again. They seemed to flash up for a split second, thanks to his contacts.
"And she should be here in... three, two, one..."


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Johnathan Walker Empty Re: Johnathan Walker

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Wed Aug 31, 2011 1:21 am

I like this sheet a lot; it's easy to visualise your character, and at the same time we need some Quincies~

PRE-APPROVED - pending Shunsui's joint approval.
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Johnathan Walker Empty Re: Johnathan Walker

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Wed Aug 31, 2011 7:36 am

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