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Solomon Black - The Immortal

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Solomon Black  - The Immortal Empty Solomon Black - The Immortal

Post  Solomon Black Wed Aug 31, 2011 8:08 am


Back to Basics//

Name: Solomon Black

Aliases: The Immortal

Age: Apperent Age: 34, Actual Age: 3097

Gender: Male


Height & Weight: 6' 3" , 178 lbs

Hair & Eye Colour: Jet Black, Deep Green

Description: Solomon a is tall, well built man, with a face that shows rarely any emotion. He has a large scar starting from just underneath his right eye and travelling all the way down to the base of his neck. He has no other blemishes or scars on his body, and has a perfect mouth of teeth. His eye's have a almond shape, and his hair is straight and 12 inches long, with no bangs. His Skin is very tanned, but he has the general look of a russian man. His accent is that of a Russian/Irish mix, and in times of extreme rage that of a greek aristcrat.

He is always seen with a black leather vest on. It only goes half way down his back and has a fur lacing on the collar. All his other clothing changes. His Hollow mask piece is half of a masquerade mask, Completely black and partially broken at the bottom, where his scar begins. His Hollow Hole in on his tounge.

Under the Skin//

  • Fighting
  • Keeping Order
  • Those who are loyal to those above them
  • Weaklings (Because they have the luxury of a irresponsible life)
  • Logical people

  • Those who refuse to accept the chain of command
  • Killing for no Reason
  • Shinigami who despise Arrancar for the sake fo Hating them
  • Bark with no Bite
  • Bacon

Personality: A carefree guy truly. Sadly he is to everyone but his closest friends, distant and emotionless. Reacting to all situations calmly. He enjoys to fight, but not to kill, yet has no quarrells doing it. Enjoys money and making money, so often visits the human world to pretend to be a mercenary. He is extremely logical, and extremely loyal. He has a temper of sort when he is harmed suddenly or taken by surprise in a fight. Causing him to go into a sort of rage mode where he ignores all and only wants to kill and cause pain to the one who did such a thing. He is often caught chanting Kill in this form.

He has near no capacity to trust, after being betrayed multiple times. He sneers at people who take Fraccion, mocking them of trusting to much, that they will simply kill tham and take their power the first chance they get. He does respect their courage, and snuff their lack of security. If nothing else, Solomon is Complex.

Living a fighting mercenary life. Solomon saw death all the time. He was ruthless, but had a second life of a greek aristocrat. With both sides of his life, as a complete he was smart, political and ruthless. His death was only enivitable when the court found out about his secrets and had him executed.

So whenever he died, he did not find it all to strange. What he did find strange was the afterlife. For those few he somehow kept his name. Life as a hollow was enjoyable to say the least. He prospered as a hollow. Became strong and feared. Violent towards any that came near him. He wandered the wasteland as a hollow hunting and killing, until he transformed into a Menos Grande. During this time his memory faltered, the amount of souls he had to battel became a blur that lasted a hundred years.

A hundred years of his will dominating. Struggling to gain control of the massive beast, it was no easy task. However he would not give up. He would not let himself simply be conquered by another less owrthy than he.

Until he conquered the body (His black out finishing) and did a number on the human world, then he was attacked by a Shinigami, who scarred his face before he could retreat. He does not know this, but the shinigami who scarred him is Yamamoto, the Captian Commander. After thsi humiliating defeat he vowed to gain as much power as he could, and then it happened. Soon after he gained the power of a Vastos Lordes, and receded into the Forest of Menos. Wandering for hundred of years, bored, killing rarely and only as a slide show or to maintain his power.

When he became an arrancar, he terrorized. He managed to calm himself after the initial slaughter. Before this though he was in a two week bloodlust, consumed by his newfound power given to him by Aizen. He killed tens of thousands, using his new tracking abilities to hunt and destroy with such speed and ferocity. He found no difference between enemies and he even attacked and deafeated those to strong for him at times. Which gave him the title of The Immortal, because in his bloodlusts, nothing stops him from victory.

He met many arrancar over the years befriended them despite of knowing who he was, it was weird. Then he became a new person. Though thehe but all died, either attacking Shinigami or more powerful hollows. He lived because of his talents. His experience also helped, most people he was with were youngsters. He met and Espada once and befriended him, getting much fear and respect points among hollow kind. His personality changed over time also, he is much less probed to attack anyone now. He prefers to watch and converse, allowing others to fight and him reap the spoils.

Solomon was very adventurous when he went around living. In the human world he was the reason for many unsolved murders, massacre's and plane crashes. All around the planet he was hideouts his favourite being in Venice. Even in the desert of heuco mundo, one hideout known by only a select few for every ten square miles. He enjoys being able to have his own time and space. Playing puppet master was much more fulfilling then flat out killing.

He still lived as a mercenary Arrancar killing hollows, humans, or shinigami's for money. Though he never used the money, he only liked the thrill of the job. Sometimes he would do the hunt just as a favor, since he knew no ill will towards his targets, they were targets. He also rarely went out seeking Shinigami, though sometimes he did, as retaliation was highly likely and he did not want to cause uneeded killing. Both races were needed and the wiping out of either, or killing to many of either would be disastarous.

So when he was picked to become a Espada, he was chilling with a need for more power. The transformation gave him power beyond belief. He quickly rose amongst the ranks, showing his power to the others and proving he deserved a high spot, and more power. Even with his insatiable power lust, he was quite civilized and enjoyed befriending others. Most people that knew him, knew allot about him as he hid very little. Most people enjoyed his company and respected him as he respected them. Now he lives life the same way, just much more at peace with himself.

When he reached the rank of Cero Espada he was overjoyed and threw a party. Few attended though, with his reputation and he was not very social, often shunning teh others and staying to himself and his fraccion. However to his discomfort he was attacked by his only fraccion. Who he promptly cut in half before the party continued. He has yet to trust anyone to be near him since and has become an emotional shut in. He decided to build a underground castle in place of his old living quarters, and spends more time outside in his hide-aways now.

He is still violent and still causes unsolved murders in the human world, but less often, everything bores him now. Now he is busy with other things. Hunting down rouge Arrancar and killing off Shinigami who kill his comrades is his main pastime now. He is very fond of mutilating the bodies of both Arrancar and Shinigami and leaving them on spikes around the Espada base as a threat to attackers. He means no offence to the dead, becuase they are dead. He would just prefer it if everyone stayed away and let the Espada rule, and the rouges would learn their lesson and stay loyal to their rulers.

Now he also despises Aizen, and one of his only goals in life is to take him and kill him. However not before interrogating him and exposing him to all those who still believe his is god, or a man that needs any respect. Aizen remains in charge though, and Solomon will respect his command grudgingly and loyally.

Resurrección//A power within

Sealed Form: A four foot longsword, with one black side and one white side. The blade is only sharp on one side and on teh end it curls into a sharp point. The Hilt is Grey and covered in grey bandages, and at the top of the hilt, which has no guard, is a grenade pin. Where if pulled the blade pulls apart into two identical swords. The only difference being one is black and one is white.
Name: Inmortales final

Resurrección Phrase: Kill...
Resurrección Abilities: Energy Manipulation - The Ability to manipulate Spirit energy as well as Natural energy.
Resurrección Appearance: Solomon grows in size to a proportionate version of himself standing at ten feet tall. His skin turns jet black and his hair turns white and it grows to twice its length. He gains claws and fangs, and spikes grow from his elbows and knees. His Mask piece now extends to his right ear and is completely white. His Skin has a metallic gleam to it. His sword also transforms to eight feet long, thin a pure white, with the look of being made of crystals. The Hilt looks pure and as if made of rubies. His power has increased exponentially in this form, and is not even comparible to before.

Resurrecion Techniques -

Name: Por último inmortales
Description: This Techinique has a range of seven meters, and is a defensive technique. The User can instantly nullify any energy based attack that comes within range. This has a two post cooldown and can only be used in Ressurecion. No Charge up time, and when it is used a black light seems to flash directly on nullification.

Name: eternas Cero
Description: The user fires a cero 1.5 times as poweful as his original, and can control the movement of it entirely. This Attack has no charge up or cooldown. It is the basic attack of the user. It can only be used while the user is sealed.

Name: Perceive
Description: An Enhanced tracking of Rieatsu, able to track the location of an oppoenent using theirs even at close range. This Ability must be activated, but requires no charge up or cooldown. When activated a transparent compass of sorts in front of his left eye, white and a inche away from his face.

Name: inmortales energética
Description: Passive. In Ressurecion only, the user can completely control all energy based attacks entirely, and all energy. He must be able to see the energy though, andif he takes control of a opponents energy attack (Unless they are below captian level) and redirects it at them, it is only at 60% of its original power.

Name: cuerpos Energía
Description: Passive. The user is able to harness the energy of his own body and multiply it exponentially. Charge up of 1 turn and cooldown of four, it lasts five. The user is twice as powerful physically, and energy based attacks only cause a quarter of the intended damage.

Name: El control de mi propia
Description: Passive. The User can fire beams of energy of varying power at any point from anywhere on his person. He can also create small shields of energy around his arms and hands, capable of blocking a attack from even a captian with very little trouble. These shields can vary in color, and are used just like armor.

RP Sample//

(From a Future Based Rp Site)

Blair nodded as he listened closely to Hideo as he explained Blair’s current predicament. He understood where Hideo was coming from all points, especially when it came down to his temper. He really had to work on that one and he knew it. While he was not good at cooperating with Peons below him, he was much better at higher up respect. Still he was a little uneased with his relocation.

Most often this was like a death omen in the military. Unless you could quickly regain yourself you were right out screwed. He looked eye to eye with Hideo, but in a polite manner as you would when speaking to someone in a higher authority. “ I apologize for my temper, I will keep it under control from now on. As for the relocation, will my men be accompanying me, or will they remain here with you and the commander? “ He was impartial either way. Just it would be nice to keep the same loyal men with you when you go somewhere where you may have no enemies, but you also have no friends. It is a predicament no one wants to be in.

He cursed himself silently inside though. His temper is his main weakness and even his enlightenment into his evolutionary step did not fix it. Guess you may change the human, but not its nature. He chuckled inside, irony or was it? He could not tell, but he found it funny.

He wondered what it would be like in Taris. He has never been so maybe it would be a nice vacation. Maybe there were lots of beaches and he could sit back and watch the ladies. It would be nice, but the work would be good to. He would hold back everything all his temper and then release it on the patches of Liberation Resistance.

More so, he did not mind leaving the spire. Which tightened in on his traveling ability, he enjoyed being on the front lines or in the streets. He He put his left hand on the skin of his right, the artificial skin that matched his tone perfectly and even tanned when he did, it was great engineering.

Last edited by Solomon Black on Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:49 am; edited 6 times in total
Solomon Black
Solomon Black

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Solomon Black  - The Immortal Empty Re: Solomon Black - The Immortal

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:40 am

Please could we have a RP sample of an average post for yourself? I apologise in advance however if your average posts are close to 4000 words. Thanks Smile
Shunsui Kyōraku
Shunsui Kyōraku
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Solomon Black  - The Immortal Empty Re: Solomon Black - The Immortal

Post  Solomon Black Thu Sep 01, 2011 6:47 am

No Problem, and I wish... Though that would suck for people Rping with me if it was... Its good to have around though to know I am capable of that...
Solomon Black
Solomon Black

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Solomon Black  - The Immortal Empty Re: Solomon Black - The Immortal

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:19 am

I'm sorry however the app isn't good enough overall at the moment to be the Cero espada, however as it is I would approve it for Quinto Espada (5th). The choice is yours, add more detail or accept 5th espada, it's 420 Skill Points Smile
Shunsui Kyōraku
Shunsui Kyōraku
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Solomon Black  - The Immortal Empty Re: Solomon Black - The Immortal

Post  Solomon Black Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:48 am

I added more detail to personality and history, Hopefully this is enough for Cero.
Solomon Black
Solomon Black

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Solomon Black  - The Immortal Empty Re: Solomon Black - The Immortal

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:53 am

Tercero Espada.
Awarded 460 Skill points.
Shunsui Kyōraku
Shunsui Kyōraku
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