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Dymitry Turncov - KGB

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Dymitry Turncov - KGB Empty Dymitry Turncov - KGB

Post  Dymitry Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:21 am


Back to Basics//

Name: Dymitry Turncov

Aliases: The Russian, Ballcouff

Age: Appearence: Early forties, Real: 238

Gender: Male

Affiliation: Soul Society, Captain of the Fifth Division

Height & Weight: 6'0", 211 lbs

Hair & Eye Colour: Blonde, Midnight Blue

Description: Dymitry is pale skinned and tough looking. He has thin midnight blue eye’s that always look as if they are watching for every way a man could jump out and kill him. His hair is gelled back in a business man fashion, with a pony tail kept thin by bandages. When not wearing his hair in a ponytail, or slicked back, it falls loosely around his head, his bangs reaching his mouth. And curling slightly. He is built like a boxer, with prominent muscles and scars on various places from battles. His nose is slightly misshapen from being broken often. His Elbow has a large scar from being shattered once.

His face is soft and charming, he has the facial expression of a very welcoming man, with a thin smile and thin eyebrows. He has the look and accent of a Russian man. He often disposes of the usual kimono and wears more formal attire, like a tuxedo, or a fine suit. He also has quite a fodness of large, overpriced Cigars.

Under the Skin//

  • Manipulating people
  • Finely Dressed People
  • Women, especially on in thigh exposing dresses
  • Russian Culture
  • Guns

  • Loud mouths, or uncouth people
  • Women who don’t put out
  • Bounts
  • Child prodigies
  • Nearly every song by the beatles

Dymitry is a aspiring young man, who craves power, position and respect. Is also a complete psychopath and will not halt to shoot and kill anybody who crosses him wrong. Can be very charming, and is a very passionate believer in Communism, and despises Catholism. He has a split type of personality and is most often a kind impressionable man. Is not a soft man and often comes off strong and is very passionate about most things and often loses himself. Is controlling and confident, able to control a country without most people ever hearing of him even.

He is willing to sacrifice his comrades to attain victory, and is always wary of an assassination. Causing him to be extremely paranoid, and often sketchy. He has a tick about him though, sometimes referring to himself in the third person and referring back to ‘Soviet Russia’ to compare moments in life. He is ruthless, and a sweet talker. A Assassin, and a diplomat in one.

His Ego and arrogance is overwhelming. And has a malicious intent that can be felt like a reiatsu leaking out of him when he becomes serious, which causes his left eyelid to twitch when he is stressed out too much. He can p-lay any role though, changing his personality to fit the situation.


Dymitry was born in the fantastic year of 1478. He was raised in an army family and quickly went off to a private school for special people. The government was training people with to be perfect soldiers. Dymitry was not the top of his class, but was a evil mastermind, during this time he figured out teh power of puppetry. When he did not graduate due to lack of attendance, he murdered the whole facility and everybody that ever went there. This was at the age of twelve, he did not do it alone, but he quikcly killed those he used to aid him. He lived alone in the forsaken school for four years listening to their souls cry out in hate and anger.

He was picked up by a military squad and kept in a facility for another two years, where he repented for his sins and was a good man again. When they really saw he had chanegd they let him out. Then they put him incharge of a secret assasination organization. He was not known to be in-charge by anyone but the leader of russia and Secretly held the position. Running the Organisation, named SHIKO, while remaining on the front lines as a soldier. Using his abilities for assassination and to take out insurgent towns. He always worked alone and was a secret asset, did not exist.

On one mission though something happened. In the year 1498 he went to take out a target and found a beast there. It looked human, but had the feel of an evil spirit. The thing had an ability to control time. He used this and sent Dymitry sprialling into the future. Dymitry woke up the next day in the year unkown, un-aged. Initially he freaked out and was unable to figure out what to do. Then for some unknown reason, his heart stopped. Killing him instantly.

The afterlife he got was not the one he expected. He expected something more like heaven for how he had died. He was angry and felt ripped off, until he saw a girl try to bring him back to life. Afterwards he shook off his pointless pride and decided to see how this girls life was going to turn out. He found that she saved many thing and was a wonderful person and was glad. He did not notice his shrinking chain. His first hollow encounter was his last, it was an especially large beast attracted to him for some reason he did not know. Looking for him it killed the girl, then soon sniffed him out. It was killed by a shinigami with long black hair, who then explained everything to the Shocked Dymitry, then took him to the Soul Society. Where he said he would become a Shinigami like him, as he saw much potential in the boy.

When Dymitry was brought to the soul society, he was instantly enrolled in the Shinigami academy by the shinigami that saved him. Which he stayed true to and worked his ass off to become as powerful as he could. He met many people in his first years, but was still in a shocked and depressed state, which did not allow him to reach his full potential. After quite a long time one person got through his barriers, a man named Gargun. He was very battle scarred and Dymitry was told he was seated member of the eleventh division, who quite enjoyed battle and killing hollows. Dymitry never spoke to him but he never left Dymitry alone.

Dymitry slowly opened up to him and as he did he started doin better in the academy. After he had he became the top of his class. He befriended many and soon was near graduation. His life was not made to be perfect, as teh day before someone told him Gargun had died in battle. Leaving him a ring that belnged to the battle worn soldier, Dymitry had changed now. he knew what he had to do, and relying on the past was not one of those things. He threw away the ring and never looked back.

After his graduation, and recieving of his Zanpakuto, Dymitry wasted no time getting into battle. He was originally a unseated officer in the 11th division. In all of his spare time he trained, doing no socializing, he no time for such pointless things. He trained and trained trying to obtain shikai.

Then one day he and his squad were up against bad odds. It was a group of five, lead good but not to smart man. He wanted to show that his group was better than the rest and bit off more than he could chew. His team was slaughtered, except for him and one other, they only suvived because Dymitry found his Shikia.

Now re-assigned to the second division, Dymitry focused more on the politics side of things. He was now well known and moving up in the ranks, smart and strong, his shikia perfect for the division he was in. However, Dymitry found his stealth and assasination abilities to be good enough and his base combat abilities also, so now he wanted knowledge. He requested to be moved to the twelfth division.

During his time in the twelfth division, he avoided most people and when not fighting was studying. One instance though, on a research trip, him and his group were studying the death patterns of Recently hollowfied to late hollowfication, however in a small fray, they were stranded for a week, fighting off Hollows non-stop. Until a captain 'saved' them. Dymitry was harsh towards this, claiming he had it all under control.

Couple years later he returned to the second division, now a smart and respectable man. He adapted quickly to his new rank, and stayed out of the way of seated officers. For the time he preffered to be under the radar, focusing on getting strong, so he could rise quickly and with surprise.

However the attack of Aizen stopped his growth. He knew it was lethal for himself to join the fray, so he was glad he stayed behind, and got transferred to Aizens old division. He was on high alert, but got impatient. So he broke into the research divisions laboratory and stole some equipment, taking a quick trip to hueco mundo. Which nothing came of so he returned and was chastised for this, however he was able to talk his way out of it, and turn the whole thing into a heroic action in the eyes of others.

Zanpakutō//A power within

Sealed Form: Dymitrys Zanpakuto takes the form of two weapons. One is a broadsword, contrasting to his position. It is six feet long and black as night, with kanji in blood red written down the side of each blade, naming off the previous 2nd division captain. They glow lightly whenever he is stressed.

His second weapon is a customised desert eagle. Meant to hold infinite rounds in one clip, have almost no recoil, and make next to no noise, without giving up any power. The bullets are condesned energy rounds the size and shape of a Eagle round, and have just as much strength behind them, but travel at only a quarter of the speed.

Spirit Appearance:It is a seven or eight foot tall warrior in dragon based armor. With red eye’s with slited irises, and long spiky red hair. His armor is silver, and he wields a battle axe that is always covered in blood, supposedly from a fresh kill. He also holds a white shield in hsi otehr hand that looks like the shell of a cockroach, with the imprints of many screaming faces. His voice is that of a beckoning beast.
Spirit Personality:He is actually a pacifist, reflecting off of Dymitrys personality. Urging him only to act when acted upon. He is honorable and often ignorant to the dangerous world around him. Like Dymitry though he is quite cocky of his abilities, and is very, very loud. Is easily irked.
Inner World:A endless wasteland where the dirt is red from rivers of blood, and the area is always covered with bodies of fallen soldiers, and broken weapons. There is a light breeze always towards dymitry’s face. Forcing him to smell the death that his life has caused. While this world looks as though Dymitry is truly guilty of his actions, that is not true, it is a reminder of how he can never go back.

In this entire wasteland, only one tree can be found, adn this is where Daen always resides. Resting his muscles. Fires burn in the distance, but no matter how far you go, you will never reach those fires and always end up back at the tree.

The tree is tall (Unimaginably) , thick and full of life. A Oak tree, inscribed in it is the names (That Dymitry can remember, or subconciously has heard) of every person he has sacraficed to get to where he is.

Shikai Release Phrase:Never turn Back, Daen!
Shikai Abilities:Temporal Avoidance
Shikai Appearance:Hard to describe, So Here is a picture: Dymitry Turncov - KGB 400_F_21466515_gNfUvL2bROooMFF1YELNKS9RowxCbdC8

His Shikai only alters his clothing, his gun and sword dissapear. He gains no weapons, forcing him to fight with his hands. The gas mask he gains is just that, a gas mask, and the goggles work as goggles also. The gloves have good grip for climbing and quick movement using his hands to aid him in battle, and it is also a thick padding which allows him to catch blades by their sharp end and not cut his hand.

Shikai Techniques:

Name:Base Temporal Avoidance
Description: The suit allows Dymitry to phase through any matter that is not living (Zanpakuto are living) if he wishes. Passive. Can extend the switch to things he is touching, but anything more than small items and clothes is very straining on his body.

Name: Temporal Field
Description: Dymitry creates a ten meter radius sphere that inside, Dymitry is the only one that may come in contact with any matter that does not contain spirit energy. Inside this field Dymitry is 50% faster. Charge up of one post, cooldown of 1. Lasts 1.

Name: Temporal rift
Description: Short range teleport. Dymitry can istantly teleport anywhere five meters around him. Cooldown of two posts, causes small amounts of strain on his body.

Name: Temporal Finisher
Description: Dymitry creates a shield infront of his left hand, lareg enough to cover his own body. This shield can take one attack, then reflect it back upon the opponent. However, the shield must be able to take the whole attack force. Only used once per two posts.

RP Sample//

Dymitry chewed on the tip of his cigar before blowing the smoke into the face of a young child in front of him. The boy looked to be in poverty and around the age of ten. He took the smoke to the face without batting an eyelash, without shedding a tear. He looked up to the man infront of him, who was quite large, wearing a black suit and a large brown fur coat over it. Which the boy envied since the building they were in was quite cold. Dymitry broke his thoughts with a chuckle, getting out of his seat and kneeling in front of the boy, placing his free hand on his shoulder.

" Boy, I am very pleased to know that children of your age taking a liking to my regime. Though you are to young. " He stood up and took a step behind the boy, " You cannot see your family again, and I cannot keep you. " He removed a magnum from his coat and shot the boy in the back of the head, killing him instantly.

" Clean him up. " He said, his face stone cold and his voice even colder.

He put the gun away and walked out of the room, leaving everyone alone with the dead child. Stopping when he heard one of the men scream and fire a clip of a Sub-Machine gun at him. the bullets simply passing through him and his clothing harmlessly. Sighing he continued to walk as the man was shot several times by his loyal COVS members.

Last edited by Dymitry on Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:20 am; edited 6 times in total

Posts : 4
Join date : 2011-09-01

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Dymitry Turncov - KGB Empty Re: Dymitry Turncov - KGB

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:33 am

Could you please edit your Division, to one of those left empty by Aizen or Tousen's departure? We'd rather keep the canon Captains open as long as possible.
Jushiro Ukitake
Jushiro Ukitake
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Dymitry Turncov - KGB Empty Re: Dymitry Turncov - KGB

Post  Dymitry Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:36 am

But Shunsui said that I could apply for any except 1st, 3rd, and 13th. That changing the Cannons was not such a big deal...

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Dymitry Turncov - KGB Empty Re: Dymitry Turncov - KGB

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:42 am

I know x.x It's still preferable for the empty Captain positions to be filled up first, before we start getting rid of the canon chars that some people might wanna apply for.
Jushiro Ukitake
Jushiro Ukitake
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Dymitry Turncov - KGB Empty Re: Dymitry Turncov - KGB

Post  Dymitry Fri Sep 02, 2011 2:47 am

Edited Accordingly too get Aizens Division

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Dymitry Turncov - KGB Empty Re: Dymitry Turncov - KGB

Post  Jushiro Ukitake Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:23 am

Alright...Please note, Base Temporal Avoidance will NOT pass through Spirit Energy, and thus cannot work in Seireitei (due to everything being made from Spirit Energy).

Pre-Approved, waiting for Shunsui's vote.
Jushiro Ukitake
Jushiro Ukitake
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Dymitry Turncov - KGB Empty Re: Dymitry Turncov - KGB

Post  Shunsui Kyōraku Fri Sep 02, 2011 3:48 am

Vice-Captain Division 5
Awarded 320 skill points.
Shunsui Kyōraku
Shunsui Kyōraku
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